What is the best car insurance for a new driver?

What is the best car insurance for a new driver? If you just got your driver's license or have less than a year of driving experience, you are on the new driver's list. Starting to drive is not an easy task, so it is important that you have good insurance that covers any damage after suffering a hit or a traffic accident. However, although the driving license offers you unquestionable independence and much more freedom, the downside of being a new driver is the price of car insurance, since it is usually much more expensive than that of experienced drivers. According to the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), in general, the majority of new drivers tend to be young people under 25 years of age . Although it is clear that not everyone makes the same mistakes at the wheel, the greater accident rate suffered by the group of young drivers on the road is one of the causes that cause the increase in the price of insurance. According to data from the DGT, d...