
Showing posts from October, 2020

Types of motorcycles that you can drive with your car license

The  coronavirus  has modified many aspects of our lives, such as  mobility , which will change completely after the state of alarm due to the fear of contagion from the Covid-19 virus. Faced with such a panorama, the  motorcycle  is positioned as the star transport in the "new normal", in which  private mobility will be the protagonist . Therefore, you should know that if you have a  type B driving license  (the one for the car) and have at least three years of experience at the wheel, in Spain you have the possibility of driving  motorcycles of up to 125 cc . However, as in the current market, there is a wide range of models (scooters, tricycles, gear motorcycles, etc.), below we will tell you  what types of motorcycles you can drive with your car license and what are the requirements  to do so. You can also buy a used car in Japan online from Auto For Trade According to article 5.7 of the General Drivers Re...

What are the differences between 95 and 98 gasoline?

A few years ago diesel cars were the favorite option of the Spanish, since it was thought that they were better than gasoline. Now, gasoline has managed to surpass diesel as the most demanded fuel, due to the growing demonization of diesel, which is based on two aspects: its uselessness in large cities and its price. If you are one of those who drive gasoline, surely you have ever wondered  how 95 gasoline and 98 gasoline are different, or which of the two is better for your vehicle . Well, then we solve all your doubts about this type of fuel. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN 95 AND 98 GASOLINE Since super leaded gasoline was banned in 2001 and super 97 gasoline disappeared in 2008, gas stations only offer two alternatives for drivers of cars powered by gasoline engines:  95 gasoline or 98 gasoline . The big difference between the two has to do with the  octane number or octane number , that is, the resistance to detonation of the fuel when it is compressed inside th...

The battery causes 30% of car breakdowns in summer

  The  summer  heat is a great  enemy of our vehicles , since  high temperatures  cause many of the  mechanical incidents  that damage our cars in these summer months, with  the battery  being the one that suffers the most. This component accounts for neither more nor less than 30% of breakdowns, according to the specialist in comprehensive vehicle care and maintenance Euromaster. In addition, it must be taken into account that the battery this year may suffer more than due to the long  confinement due to coronavirus  and the lack of use of vehicles during it. In summer you have to pay close attention to engine problems derived from cooling, which wrongly receives less attention than another fluid such as oil. Although it is behind only 4% of the incidents, the  maintenance of the refrigeration  hardly costs 50 euros, but instead suffering a breakdown related to this system ca...